ECHO BALI CAR RENTAL, CV Licence #: 99/SK/XI/2008. NPWP #: 1.672.139.1-901l
Little Bali History

The landing of the Hindu individuals from India denoted the end of ancient period in Indonesia. balinese picturethe first hundreds of years AD until the year of 1500, ie with the fall of Majapahit kingdom, constituted the Hindu impact period. In light of the data found on an eighth century AD engraving, it could be said that the antiquated Balinese verifiable period secured the time between the eighth and the fourteenth century AD when the Majapahit's Gajah Mada campaign attacked and vanquished Bali.the term Balidwipa (importance Bali island) has existed since time immemorial. This has been found from different engravings. Among these engravings were Blanjong sanction which was issued by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in 913 AD said the expression Walidwipa. Comparable proof was from King Jayapangus' contracts: Buwahan D and Cempaga An engravings dated 1181 Ad.bali's authentic period is partitioned into three stages: 882-1343 period, 1343-1846 period, and 1846-1949 period.
A. Kings and Queen
The accompanying rulers and monarch administered Bali amid this period: Singhamandawa Dynasty Warmadewa Dynasty:
King Sri Kesari Warmadewa Queen Sri Ugrasena King Candrabhaya Singa Warmadewa
King Dharma Udayana Warmadewa King Marakata King Anak Wungsu
Sri Maharaja Sri Walaprabu Sri Maharaja Sri Sakalendukirana Sri Suradhipa
Sri Jaya Sakti King Jayapangus King Sri Astasura Ratna Bumi Banten
B. The System of Government

among the Balinese rulers who left a considerable measure of composed data which portrayed the structure of government at the time were Udayana, Jayapangus, Jayasakti, and Anak Wungsu.
Focal Advisory Board or the Board called panglapuan supported the ruler running the legislature as indicated by a sanction dated 882 - 914 AD. Since Udayana's chance, the Board was called pakiran-kiran i jro makabaihan.
The Board parts contained a few senapatis (authorities) and Siwa and Buddhist ministers.
1343 – 1846 Period
This period began with the Gajah Mada's undertaking in 1343. Here are the subtle elements:
1. The Gajah Mada's Expedition
Gajah Mada's undertaking to Bali was carried out when the Bedahulu kingdom under King Astasura Ratna Bumi Banten and patih (head administrator) Kebo Iwo represented Bali. In the wake of executing Kebo Iwo, Gajah Mada and the officer Arya Damar headed the endeavor and the troop of Aryas aided them. The assault brought about a fight between Gajah Mada's strengths and Bedahulu's armed force headed by Pasungripis. The ruler and his child were murdered in the fight. After Pasungripis surrendered, there was no ruler represent Bali. Majapahit named Sri Kresna Kepakisan to lead the administration in Bali under the attention of the presence of a blood connection in the middle of him and the populace of Bali Aga.
2. Samprangan Period
Landing on Bali, Sri Kresna Kepakisan picked Samprangan as the focal point of the administration. The rulers amid this period, were Dalem Sri Kresna Kepakisan (1350 – 1380) and Raden Agra Samprangan (1380). Raden Agra Samprangan was the eldest child of dalem Sri Kresna Kepakisan.
3. Gelgel Period
Dalem Ketut Ngulesir, who moved the focal point of government to Gelgel, supplanted Raden Agra Samprangan. This was the start of the Gelgel period and King Dalem Ketut Ngulesir was the first official. The second King was Dalem Watu Renggong (1460-1550) who took the throne and inherited a stable kingdom. Consequently, he found himself able to create his capability and honesty to bring success to Gelgel kingdom. Under the rule of Dalem Watu Renggong, Bali accomplished its most noteworthy point. At the point when Dalem Watu Renggong passed on, he was supplanted by Dalem Bekung (1550-1580). In the interim, the last ruler of the Gelgel period was Dalem Di Made (1605-1686).
4. Klungkung Kingdom Period

the Klungkung Kingdom was the duration of the Gelgel administration. The defiance of I Gusti Agung Maruti brought about the wrecks of the Gelgel kingdom. This happened after the child of Dalem Di Made grew up and have the capacity to annihilation I Gusti Agung Maruti and Gelgel royal residence was not restored. Gusti Agung Jambe as the child who had the right to the throne, was unwilling to rule in Gelgel, then again he picked another place as the focal point of government, ie his previous concealing spot, Semarapura. As the aftereffect of it, Dewa Agung Jambe (1710-1715) turned into the first Klungkung ruler. The second lord was Dewa Agung Di Made I, while the last Klungkung ruler was Dewa Agung Di Made II. Amid this Klungkung period, the kingdom was partitioned into little kingdoms. These little kingdoms then got to be autonomies which amid the time of autonomy were known as regimes.
1846--1949 Period
1. Fight Against the Dutch

this time constituted with the time of battling against the Dutch in Bali. These years were stamped by the out break of different wars in Bali. The wars could be depicted as takes after: Buleleng (1846) Jagaraga (1848-1849) Kusamba (1849) Banjar (1868) Puputan Badung (1906) Puputan Klungkung (1908) When the Dutch won all the fights and the Klungkung kingdom tumbled down into their hands, Bali as was under the outside impact.
2. Dutch Colonization Period
At the point when Buleleng tumbled down into the Dutch's hands, the Dutch government started to mediate in the administration of government in Bali, for instance changing the name of the ruler as territorial head to official for Buleleng and Jembrana zones and setting P L Van Bloemen Waanders as the first controleur in Bali.

The administration in Bali stayed imbued in the conventional structure, ie keeping on activaing standard authority in running the legislature in the areas. For Bali, the position of the lord constituted the most elevated holder of force which amid the time of pioneer government was joined by a controleur. In the matter of obligation, the lord reported specifically to the Resident of Bali and Lombok which domiciled in Singaraja. Then for South Bali, the rulers showed up for the Assistant Resident that domiciled in Denpasar. To meet the requirement for the authoritative faculty, the Dutch government opened the first basic school in Singaraja (1875) known as the Tweede Klasse School. At that point an alternate school named Erste Inlandsche School opened in 1913. Before long it was trailed by the opening of an alternate school named Hollandsche Inlandsche School (HIS) where understudies generally originated from the blue-blooded and the rich families.the Birth of the Movement Organization, As the consequence of instructive impacts, understudies and some individuals who had occupations in Singaraja launched an association called Suita Gama Tirta with the motivation behind teaching Balinese individuals in science through religious teachings. Sadly this association did not keep going long. At that point a few instructors who were all the while wanting religious instruction, established an association named Shanti in 1923. This association distributed a magazine called Shanti Adnyana which was later changed to Bali 1925, an association named Suryakanta was likewise established in Singaraja and distributed a magazine called Suryakanta. Like the Shanti association, Suryakanta additionally expected that Balinese would make advance in science and dispense with customs which were no more suited to the advancement of the the interim, in Karangasem, an association called Satya Samudaya Buadana Bali Lombok was established. The parts were respectful servants and people in general.
3. Japanese Occupation Period

after experiencing a few fights, the Japanese armed force arrived on Sanur Beach on 18 and 19 February 1942. From Sanur, the Japanese armed force entered Denpasar without experiencing any safety at all. At that point, from Denpasar Japan controlled Bali altogether. From the start, the gathering that created Japanese control in Bali was the Japanese Army (Rikugun). Later, when the circumstances was in a stable time, the force of government was given over to a regular citizen government. Amid the Japanese occupation, since the circumstances was in a clash, all movement was centered around the war exertion. Youngsters were prepared to end up Pembela Tanah Air (Country Defending officers), condensed PETA. In 1944 PETA was made where projects and states of instruction were shaped after the progression of PETA
4. Independence

on 23 August 1945, after the Proclamation of Independence, Mr I Gusti Ketut Puja touched base in Bali by bringing the order of his arrangement as Governor of Sunda Kecil. It happened since his landing in Bali that the Proclamation of Independence in Bali was spread all through the towns. It was the time that arrangements for the game plan of government in Bali were made as the Sunda Kecil with Singaraja as its capital.the first endeavor to expel weapons from Japanese hands was carried out on 13 December 1945. Notwithstanding, the exertion fizzled. Hence, it was chosen to look for aid and weapons in Java. This was carried on by I Gusti Ngurah Rai and his kin. After Ngurah Rai came back from Java, the whole battle in Bali was fused into one vital power "Dewan Perjuangan Rakyat Indonesia Sunda Kecil" under the order of Komando Markas Besar Oemoem (Mbo).since the arriving of NICA in Bali, Bali had dependably been in a battling coliseum. In the fight, the Indonesian powers utilized the guerilla framework. Accordingly, MBO as the mother power was constantly progressing. So as to fortify the protection in Bali, Indonesian Navy help was sent from Java which later united with those in Bali. Due to the continuous fights, the Dutch sent a letter to Rai to arrange, yet Balinese warriors denied and kept on strengthenning their protection by including the encourage contact with Java, Rai connected the technique for uprooting the Dutch thoughtfulness regarding eastern Bali. On 28 May 1946, Rai sent his energy to the east then it was known as "a Long March". Amid this "Long March", the guerilla energy was regularly snared by the Dutch control so that fights every now and again happened. The fight that brought triumph to the champs was the Tanah Arun fight, ie a fight that softened up a little town at the foot of Agung Mountain, Karangasem Regency. Amid the Tanah Arun fight which broke on 9 July 1946, numerous Dutch warriors were killed.after the fight, Ngurah Rai's energy moved to the west and they touched base in Marga Village (Tabanan).
Puputan Margarana

when MBO staffs were in Marga, Ngurah Rai requested his energy to take NICA police weapons in Tabanan. The request was carried out on 18 November 1946 (during the evening) and they made it at long last. A few weapons and ammo also were taken and after that a Nica police commandant joined with Ngurah Rai's strengths. After that, the power came back to Marga Village.on 20 November 1946, by beginning the roughness at day break, the Dutch energy started to enclose Marga Village. The fight between Nica energy and Ngurah Rai's had occured for 10.00 hours. In the war, numerous parts of the Dutch progressed energy were murdered. In this manner, the Dutch instantly requested a few aides from every last bit of its compels in Bali furthermore the aerial attackers which were sent from Makasar. In the genuine fight which included all parts of Ngurah Rai energy, were dead set not to leave the war until the last drop of blood. It was here that Ngurah Rai energy held Puputan so that every one of the 96 parts of the power were slaughtered, including Rai himself. Then again, around 400 parts of the Dutch energy were murdered. To honor the occasion, a Hero Monument was developed on the previous fight ground.
Denpasar Conference
The Denpasar Conference occurred in Bali Hotel on 18-24 December 1946. The gathering was opened by Van Mook with the reason for shaping the Eastern Indonesia State (NIT) with the capital of Makasar (Ujung Pandang).with the arrangement of the Eastern Indonesia State, the structure of government in Bali was re-made amid the times of the rulers. The such government was held by the ruler who was aided by patih, punggawa, perbekel furthermore the least government which was known as the kelian.
Transfer of Sovereignty

the first military animosity against the Indonesian government powers was carried out by the Dutch on 21 July 1947. The Dutch again did the second hostility on 18 December 1948. Amid the second animosity, persistently exertions were being centered around Bali with the reason for creating the more viable guerilla battling developments. Regarding this, in July 1948, a battling association called Gerakan Rakyat Indonesia Merdeka (GRIM) was structured. At that point, on 27 November 1949 GRIM combined with the other battling associations called Lanjutan Perjuangan. At that point the name was changed again into "Pemerintah Darurat Republik Indonesia (PDRI) Sunda Kecil.during the RIS (Republik Indonesia Serikat) period, the East Indonesia Military Commission attempted to settle the issue of opportunity warriors in Bali, particularly the individuals who stayed in the mountains. The commission attempted to call the parts of DPRI who stayed in the mountains to be incorporated in an armed force energy called Arjuna (15 January 1950). Then again, KNIL (Koninklijk Nederlands Indisch Leger) was transformed into the Army of the Republik Indonesia Serikat since June 1950. In the mean time, the Round Table Conference (KMB) which was focused around the assention between Indonesian-Dutch Union was begun at the end of August 1949. At last, on 27 December 1949 the Dutch perceived RIS power. At that point, on 17 August 1950, RIS was changed into the Republic of Indonesia.